48 Hours in Montpellier, France

Original photos from June 2013.

I had a quick trip to the south of France [in 2013], spending just 48 hours exploring Montpellier alone before Mui & Boris’s amazing château wedding in Brissac. (Alex flew in to officiate the wedding, and was only in France for a record 72 hours! Crazy.) Montpellier is a quaint city filled with young university students and summer tourists, so there was a lot of energy in the streets, especially leading up to Fête de la Musique. Though the eighth largest city in France, it is so small that I ran into the groom at the airport, and when I met with Bogee for lunch before heading to Brissac, we were randomly stopped by Yu-Jung, who was people-watching from a cafe in front of the opera house. Here are a few highlights from my short stay in the city center:

It was my first visit to Montpellier, so I had an amazing time. The only disappointment was that Les Bains de Montpellier was booked for lunch, so I recommend making a reservation if you want to dine there. Anyway, here are my favorite photos from the short trip.