China - Our Route & Numbers

Alex & Madie’s travel route in China.

Alex & Madie’s travel route in China.

Numbers from China

  • Days in China: 14 days
  • Our daily average cost for lodging and food per person: ¥200 ≈ $30
  • Cost of a 1.5L water: ¥3 ≈ $0.45
  • Cost of a medium coffee: ¥15 ≈ $2.25
  • Cost of a 550mL beer: ¥10 ≈ $1.50
  • Total time on an airplane: 5 hours and 15 minutes
  • Total time on a bus: 6 hours
  • Total time on a train: 11 hours and 30 minutes

How We Got Around

Alex & Madie’s mode of transportation in China.

Alex & Madie’s mode of transportation in China.